[en] Tracking AliExpress shipping in Korea
Well, if you have ordered anything out of Korea, you would already know that it would be delayed enormously. In this case of AliExpress it may reall not take a lot of time compared to conventional Air Mails. Today, we're going to have a look on AliExpress shipping methods which are commonly used to deliver goods from China or Hong Kong to Korea.
Aliexpress Standard Shipping/Aliexpress Selection (Usually comes in 10 days, Recommended)
Aliexpress Standard shipping used to be bog standard Air Mail, provided by Singapore Post. Suddenly in 2019 and 2020 (due to reduced flights as COVID-19 Pandemic accelerates) they have changed the provider of Service to 4PX. Now, AliExpress Standard Shipping uses Express Sea Courier.
Updated (2021-12-30) New shipping method called Aliexpress selection shipping is added. It is basically, Aliexpress Standard but it boasts 5day delivery. I suspect that they directely send it from Weihai Port. Tracking method is same with Aliexpres Standard shipping.
Also, Aliexpress has added combined shipment, which automatically combines order from various sellers to one. If you have ordered Aliexpress Standard shipping items, Saver Shipping, or Cainiao Super Economy Global item at the same time, they'll automatically combine the shipment into one.
Updated (2021-12-30)
Aliexpress also uses HANJIN Express for some deliveres. If your Tracking code strarts with 8003, it will be delivered by HANJIN (http://www.hanjin.co.kr) It is trackalbe via Korea Customs UNIPASS
Aliexpress no longer uses HANJIN Express for deliveries.
- Timeframe of Delivery: About 1 week to 2 week.
- Amount of Purchase required for Delivery: $10
- Format of Tracking #: 6078######### 6079#########
- Last mile delivery by: 우체국 택배 (Korea Post Parcels)
- Customs Tracking: Available
배송조회-국내우편(등기/택배) 배송조회
국내우편(등기/택배)배송조회 HOME 배송조회 국내우편(등기/택배) 배송조회 등기 및 택배 우편물의 배송정보를 조회할 수 있습니다. (등기통상 재배달 신청은 로그인 및 배송조회 실행 시 가능
Shipping starts in China, usually port of Weihai, Yantai, or Longyan. Whille it's being transferred around the port for first few days, shipped off to a passsenger ferry.
Tracking Aliexpress Standard shipping
Preliminary tracking while in China can be done in 17Track. Choose the carrier as 4PX or Cainiao, and you would be able to get basic tracking while package transits through 4PX's facility.
Around the time 4PX has picked up the parcel, you can track the parcel on Korean Intermediary, ACT&Core. Type the tracking number and you would be able to see shipping status and customs status.
When the tracking says "With delivery courier" You would be able to track in Korea Post's website. It would be delivered by Postal Worker. If you have added your Korean Phone Number to AliExpress shipping details, you might receive a Notification from Korea Post about your delivery.
Cainiao Super Economy Global (usually 14days, recommended)
- Timeframe of Delivery: 2 week.
- Amount of Purchase required for Delivery: under $10
- Format of Tracking #: N000000#######
- Last mile delivery by: 우체국 일반우편 (Korea Post Regular Mail)
- Customs Tracking: Available
This is similar as shipping method above, just the differnece is last mile carrier would be untrackable regular domestic Korea Post mail, though it is trackable until being released to customs. It is not trackable on 4PX website, and it is trackable on ACT&Core's website.
Cainao Super Economy for Special Goods (about a month, not recommended)
- Timeframe of Delivery: a month
- Amount of Purchase required for Delivery: under $10
- Format of Tracking #:LP##############
- Last mile delivery by: Uzbekistan post, Vanuatu Post transferred to 우체국 일반우편 (Korea Post Regular Mail)
- Customs Tracking: Not Available
This is the cheapest and compared to two other, the worst delivery method currently in Aliexpress. It starts with 4px. The tracking is available with 17track. Set the delivery courier to 4PX, and you would be able to see how the parcels move. As it progresses, the last mile transfer carrier would be selected. It's usually the lowest bidder in postal contract. It is not trackable on Unipass customs tracking website. Last mile delivery is done directrly to the mailbox by Korea Post regular mail. Compared to better options above, and minimal shipping cost diffrence, I totally do not recommend this as a shipping method of choice.
Seller's Shipping method (Varies widely)
- Timeframe of Delivery: simliar with AliExpress Standard Shipping
- Required Items: Item containing high capacity batteries: Battery Packs, replacement batteries.
- Format of Tracking #: Varies by tracking number to tracking number
- Last mile delivery by: Usually CJ Logistics, Hanjin Express, Korea Post Parcels
- Customs Tracking: Available at Unipass
This shipping method is usually used for battery transports, as normal shipping methods or Airmail can not accomodate them. It is similar with AliExpress Standard Shipping as it uses passenger ferries without any passengers. Tracking site vastly varies from Tracking code to Tracking code.
I've ordered replacement laptop battery and got a tracking code with format of HR########. Local courier at China is Shenzen Hanrun Logistics, and they are indeed trackable on their website.
Depending on your Tracking number (The numric ones, not with HR) the last mile carrier may be Korea Post, Hanjin Express, or CJ Logistics
Customs Problem & Tracking
Customs Clearance Number
Aliexpress would ask you about customs clearance number. Usually only Korean Citizens use custom clearance code starting with P (register for it at here). If you are a PR Holder, on a visa/permit, temporary visitor, you could use your Foreigner's ID Card number or Passport number for customs clearance purposes.
Tracking Customs Clearance process
You can also track customs clearance process on Korea Custom's Website.
국가관세종합정보망 서비스
환율정보 국가별 수출, 수입 환율정보 테이블
Type your tracking number to H B/L and click "조회"
The result screen would show current status of customs clearance, whether airplane or vessel has arrived or whether it was cleared from customs.